Quill and Quire

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Here they come — the poets in the bright pink ambulance

The CBC website has an item on a most unusual poetry tour organized by Tate Young, an Edmonton-based Book TV producer and poet (who released a collection this year under the nom de plume Mingus Tourette). The Write the Nation campaign will see Young and other poets, including Saskatoon’s Glen Sorestad, road-tripping to several Canadian cities in a bright pink ambulance. “Young says that the brightly coloured ambulance – a 1986 Chevy C-30 that was transporting patients as late as August – symbolizes the idea that Canadian poetry is in a state of crisis.”

Related links:
CBC.ca story on Write the Nation tour


October 4th, 2004

12:00 am

Category: Book news

Tagged with: angry mobs, CBC, marketing, poetry, TV