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Web fiction

Penguin has just launched We Tell Stories, a series of online digital fiction, in collaboration with alternate reality game designers Six to Start. They’ve asked six authors to try to harness the capabilities of the Internet in the name of storytelling.

From the Penguin website:

Over six weeks writers including Booker-shortlisted Mohsin Hamid, popular teen fiction author Kevin Brooks, prize-winning Naomi Alderman and bestselling thriller authors Nicci French will be pushing the envelope and creating tales that take full advantage of the immediacy, connectivity and interactivity that is now possible. These stories could not have been written 200, 20 or even 2 years ago.

The first story, Charles Cumming’s 21 Steps, is a thriller set in Google Maps. The text of the novel is gradually revealed in blurbs as you use Google Maps to track the footsteps of the protagonist, first through the streets of London, and then further afield.