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Big deal for small (U.S.) publishers

U.S. firm Perseus Books Group is offering small publishers a chance to access digital book technology with the launch of a new service. The New York Times reports:

The new service, called Constellation, will allow independent publishers to make use of electronic readers, digital book search, print-on-demand and other digital formats at rates negotiated by Perseus on their behalf. Unlike large publishers, small ones typically lack the resources to use digital technology and as a result often bypass it altogether.

The service, which was officially launched on Thursday, involves a partnership with six major technology companies and is offered to Perseus’ 300+ distribution clients, as well as its own imprints, which include Basic Books, Running Press, and Vanguard Press.

The companies involved in the deal include Google, for its Google Book Search feature; Amazon, for its Kindle electronic reader; Sony, for its Sony Reader; Barnes & Noble, for its See Inside feature on its Web site; and Lightning Source, a print-on-demand company.

Publishers who use the new service can provide a single digital book file to Constellation and specify how they would like it to be used. As a result consumers may see more obscure, esoteric books available in digital formats, Perseus said.

The move solidifies Perseus’ status as one of the foremost distributors of indie publishers in the U.S., after the firm began handling distribution for Publishers Group West clients last year.


September 5th, 2008

11:08 am

Category: Industry news

Tagged with: Amazon