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Damaged Angels: A Mother Discovers the Invisible Cost of Alcohol in Pregnancy

by Bonnie Buxton

It wasn’t until her troubled adopted daughter was in her teens that Bonnie Buxton even heard the term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Damaged Angels outlines, with brutal honesty, the cost of FASD, the difficult choices she and her family made, and the Herculean efforts they made to support their daughter. It is also a collection of case studies from biological mothers, other adoptive parents, and adults diagnosed with FASD themselves. The book is compelling and accessible, bringing awareness to a condition whose victims had previously been characterized as slow, lazy, ill-spirited, shifty, and the like. It offers hope, in the form of a name and an understanding, to many people who have yet to be diagnosed.

Clearly Buxton has done her research, including quotes from professionals working with children and adults diagnosed with FASD, and from scientific studies. The book contains detailed endnotes and a thorough bibliography, and offers sources for further exploration.

Unfortunately, Buxton sees the spectre of FASD everywhere. Children with developmental disorders, adolescents with difficulties fitting in, adults with mood disorders – all likely FASD sufferers, opines Buxton, without supporting medical evidence, and with a reliance on statistics (and careful use of the conditional “may”) to support her opinion.

While she details some success stories, Buxton fails to give any clear answers about what can be done to help victims of FASD manage within today’s society. She stresses a need for sweeping systemic changes – a more understanding justice system, smaller class sizes, lifelong financial support from the government – but there is little practical information about daily management for those affected by FASD.

Damaged Angels performs a valuable public service, but the definitive book on helping those with FASD remains to be written.


Reviewer: Cori Dusmann

Publisher: Knopf Canada


Price: $24.95

Page Count: 350 pp

Format: Paper

ISBN: 0-676-97638-7

Released: Apr.

Issue Date: 2004-4

Categories: Science, Technology & Environment