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Hemp Jewelry

by Judy Ann Sadler, June Bradford, illus.

Judy Ann Sadler takes up knots and beads to introduce kids to hemp jewelry making in her latest craft book. Hemp cord (made from fibres of the hemp plant) is popular for making jewelry because it’s strong yet soft and also holds knots well. It comes in an array of colours and weights and has an earthy look.

The book starts with the basics of making a starting loop, fastening the project to make it easier to work with, adding beads, and finishing off the jewelry. Projects include bracelets, necklaces, chokers, anklets, watch straps, earrings, and rings. The instructions are numbered and illustrated and many of the projects include variations using different types of knots and beads. Photos accompany each of the finished projects.

The target age for this book is 8 and up, but kids under 12 and those who are new to crafts might need patience and adult assistance. An initial stumbling block might come up right at the beginning when the book shows how to make a starting loop. Unless you’ve made these crafts before, you’ve got to study the illustration for making an overhand loop closely to notice that both halves of the cords must be held together and tied. As well, there is only one photo of a boy in the book and no boys on the cover, which might turn off males who would otherwise want to make and wear this sort of jewelry.

Hemp Jewelry is yet another well-crafted book from Kids Can Press. Teachers, camp counsellors, and parents will want to have this book and the necessary supplies ready for a rainy day.


Reviewer: Ingrid Masak Mida

Publisher: Kids Can Press


Price: $14.95

Page Count: 40 pp

Format: Cloth

ISBN: 1-55337-774-5

Released: Feb.

Issue Date: 2005-4

Categories: Children and YA Fiction

Age Range: 8+