The winners of the Atlantic Book Awards were announced last night at a celebration hosted by CBC Radio’s Louise Renault.
The winners are:
Ann Connor Brimer Award for Children’s Literature
Live to Tell, Lisa Harrington (Dancing Cat Books)
Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association’s Best Atlantic-Published Book Award
The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini, Bruce McNab (Goose Lane Editions)
Atlantic Book Award for Scholarly Writing
The Ocean Ranger: Remaking the Promise of Oil, Susan Dodd (Fernwood Publishing)
Dartmouth Book Award for Non-fiction in Memory of Robbie Robertson
French Taste in Atlantic Canada 1604“1758: A Gastronomic History/ Le goût français au Canada atlantique 1604-1758: une histoire gastronomique, Anne Marie Lane Jonah and Chantal Véchambre (Cape Breton University Press)
Democracy 250 Atlantic Book Award for Historical Writing
In Search of R.B. Bennett, P.B. Waite (McGill-Queen’s University Press)
E.J. Pratt Poetry Award
Paradoxides, Don McKay (McClelland & Stewart)
Jim Connors Dartmouth Book Award (Fiction)
Anna from Away, D.R. MacDonald (HarperCollins Canada)
Lillian Shepherd Award for Excellence in Illustration
I Is for Island: A Prince Edward Island Alphabet, Hugh MacDonald; Brenda Jones, illus. (Sleeping Bear Press)
Margaret and John Savage First Book Award
Dirty Bird, Keir Lowther (Tightrope Books)
Rogers Communication Award for Non-fiction
In the Field, Joan Sullivan (Breakwater Books)