Independent booksellers’ top-selling Canadian titles of 2024
The 2024 lists are drawn from sales data gathered by Bookmanager from 258 independent Canadian booksellers.

Independent booksellers’ top-selling Canadian titles of 2023 so far
The top-selling titles from Canadian-owned publishers have remained quite consistent throughout the year.

Leona and Gabrielle Prince’s Be a Good Ancestor continues to captivate readers’ hearts
Shortlisted for this year’s Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Book Award, the stunning picture book has been on the bestsellers list since its May 2022 release.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day on April 29 is a chance for indies to shine
Plus, the bestselling books of 2023 at Canadian independent bookstores.
Spare drives sales burst for Canadian indie booksellers

Independent booksellers’ top-selling Canadian titles of 2022
Twenty-five top sellers from Canadian-owned publishers
Q&Q worked with Bookmanager to compile a bestseller list of books published by Canadian-owned presses and sold by Canadian independents over the past year.

Bestsellers: David A. Robertson has had books on the bestsellers lists for a combined 118 weeks
The prolific author and two-time Governor General’s Award winner has had multiple bestselling titles over the past year.