The longlist for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Prize has been announced and 17* Canadian authors have been nominated. The €25,000 prize is given to a story collection published in English between July 2014 and June 2015.
The full list of Canadian authors is:
- Margaret Atwood, Stone Mattress (McClelland & Stewart)
- Kate Cayley, How You Were Born (Pedlar Press)
- Michelle Green, Jebel Marra (Comma Press)
- Tyler Keevil, Burrard Inlet (Parthian Books)
- Irina Kovalyova, Specimen (House of Anansi Press)
- Helen Marshall, Gifts for the One Who Comes After (ChiZine Publications)
- Yves Meynard, Angels and Exiles (ChiZine)
- David Nickle, Knife Fight (ChiZine)
- Heather O’Neill, Daydreams of Angels (HarperCollins Canada)
- Janette Platana, A Token of my Affliction (Tightrope Books)
- Matt Rader, What I Want to Tell Goes Like This (Nightwood Editions)
- Eliza Robertson, Wallflowers (Hamish Hamilton Canada)
- Rolli, I am Currently Working on a Novel (Tightrope)
- Mireille Silcoff, Chez L’Arabe (Anansi)
- Russell Smith, Confidence (Biblioasis)
- Royston Tester, You Turn Your Back (Tightrope)
- Kathleen Winter, The Freedom in American Songs (Biblioasis)*
*Correction May 5: An earlier version of this story did not include longlisted English-Canadian author Kathleen Winter