Vancouver author Vivek Shraya, Ojibwa-Cree elder Ma-Nee Chacaby, and Halifax novelist Darren Greer are among the finalists for this year’s Publishing Triangle Awards. The New York–based prizes honour LGBTQ fiction, non-fiction, and poetry published in the prior year.
Shraya’s Even This Page Is White (Arsenal Pulp Press) and Chacaby’s A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder (University of Manitoba Press), co-written with Mary Louisa Plummer, are nominated for the Publishing Triangle Award for Trans and Gender-Variant Literature. Greer’s novel Advocate (Cormorant Books) is up for the Ferro-Grumley Award for LGBT Fiction.
Arsenal Pulp is also nominated for the Judy Grahn Award for Lesbian Nonfiction for American author and activist Sarah Schulman’s Conflict Is Not Abuse.
The awards will be presented on April 27 at the New School in New York.