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BookNet bestsellers: Canadian children’s books

Robert Munsch is clearly still the king of Canadian children’s literature, securing 15 out of 20 spots on this week’s bestsellers list.

For the two weeks ending March 17:

1. Love You Forever, Robert Munsch; Sheila McGraw, illus.
(Firefly Books, $5.95 pa, 9780920668375)

2. Seeing Red, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $7.99 pa, 9781443124461)

3. Alligator Baby, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $9.99, board book, 9781443113991)

4. The Paper Bag Princess, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick Press, $6.95 pa, 9780920236161)

5. We Share Everything! Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $9.99 board book, 9781443113441)

6. Up, Up, Down, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $9.99 board book, 9781443113465)

7. Welcome, Baby, Barbara Reid
(Scholastic Canada, $9.99 board book, 9781443119603)

8. Caillou: My Bedtime Story Box, Eric Sevigny
(Chouette Publishing, $10.95 box set, 9782894509005)

9. Moose! Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $7.99 pa, 9781443107181)

10. Hockey Canada’s Learn All About Hockey, Al Huberts and Frank Bailey
(Tundra Books, $9.99 pa, 9781770494367)

11. Smelly Socks, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $7.99 pa, 9780439967075)

12. Sing a Song of Mother Goose, Barbara Reid
(Scholastic Canada, $9.99 board book, 9780545997249)

13. Love You Forever, Robert Munsch; Sheila McGraw, illus.
(Firefly, $14.95 cl, 9780920668368)

14. Give Me Back My Dad!, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Scholastic Canada, $7.99 pa, 9781443107648)

15. The Paper Bag Princess, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick, $6.95 board book, 9781554512119)

16. The Red Scarf, Anne Villeneuve
(Tundra, $19.99 cl, 9780887769894)

17. Mortimer, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick, $6.95 pa, 9780920303115)

18. I Have to Go! Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick, $1.99 pa, 9780920303511)

19. Purple, Green and Yellow, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick, $1.99 pa, 9781554511136)

20. Mortimer, Robert Munsch; Michael Martchenko, illus.
(Annick, $6.95 board book, 9781554512287)


March 25th, 2013

3:49 pm

Category: Bestsellers

Tagged with: kids' publishing