The CW Television Network is known for contemporary (and soapy) dramas like Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. Now, the cable network is taking a step back in time with its new project, a period drama based on Toronto writer Cathy Marie Buchanan’s novel The Painted Girls (HarperCollins Canada).
Buchanan’s best-selling novel tells the story of the young 19th-century Parisian ballerina who posed for Edgar Degas’ sculpture “Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen.”
The television adaptation, produced by CW and CBS TV Studios, is described as being “set in 1880s Paris against the backdrop of the turbulent and exciting world of ‘La Belle Epoque’ ““ decadence, poverty, sex, drugs and a serial killer running rampant throughout the city. It revolves around three sisters studying at a top ballet academy, one of whom becomes the muse for Edgar Degas and his famed paintings of ballerinas.”
An air date has not been confirmed.