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Bookmarks: Lonely Planet author was lying when he said he lied, Tom Cruise bio dropped, and Stanford Law School goes up against Rowling

Some book-related links:

  • Lonely Planet says author stretched the truth when he claimed to have stretched the truth (International Herald Tribune)
  • Tom Cruise bio dropped “ actor celebrates by continuing to creep us all out (Telegraph)
  • Stanford Law School’s Fair Use Project signs on to fight J.K. Rowling’s attempt to quash unauthorized Potter lexicon (Stanford press release)
  • Just so you don’t think we’re all about Rowling-bashing: Rowling joins children’s authors in call for end to Darfur conflict (CBC.ca)
  • UNESCO pays to have books made, then pays to have them pulped (Washington Post)

Quote of the week: “We have explored every possible option, but have concluded that once the potentially defamatory sections are taken out, there is not enough left to make a good read.” “ Macmillan exec on the dropping of the Cruise bio.


April 14th, 2008

10:56 am

Category: Book links

Tagged with: J.K. Rowling