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One more time with McLaren and Bigge

In what is hopefully our last entry on the subject, we link to the blog of journalist J. Kelly Nestruck, one of the people who threw in his two cents on the last few days of McLaren-Bigge madness. In an entry written yesterday, he summed up events thus far, linking to In Other Media and providing commentary on the online Q&A McLaren and her employer, The Globe and Mail, held yesterday afternoon. The session was largely uneventful and boring, even the bit in which a reader tried to escalate the conflicts between McLaren and Bigge, but there was one nugget of comedy gold capitalized on by Nestruck thus (we emphasize his comment with italics):

During said online Q&A, a guy called William McEnery from Pender Island, B.C. Canada, actually asked the following question: ‘Leah, it has been a pleasure following your career over the years – God, that makes you sound like a wizzened vetern doesn’t it? You have made me laugh and think. Sometimes at the same time. Congrats on the publication of your novel. As your career is in its ascendancy do you envision a different role for yourself in the future, in regards to your writing? Perhaps writing on global/international issues, for example. Doing the Allan Abel switch. I ask only because I, along with countless others, would miss your weekly columns and the occasional features you write. Take care and good luck.’ What a TOTAL SUCK UP. Is Pender Island, like, an island that is threatened by global warming, so all the residents have to learn to suck real hard, because otherwise the rising water will overwhelm them?

Probably to his credit, Nestruck missed his chance to lampoon a request from what appeared to be an eligible bachelor and the million and one nearly identical compliments and questions posed by awestruck readers.

Related links:
Click here for Nestruck’s blog entry
Click here for McLaren’s Q&A on the Globe site


February 15th, 2006

12:00 am

Category: Book news