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Writers strike = kids’ book boom?

From United Press International:

Several people sidelined by the Hollywood writers strike said they are penning children’s tales to pass the time while they wait to go back to work.

“It’s kind of a nice way to do something creative at a time when we’re having a hard time doing our bread-and-butter work,” David N. Weiss, a Rugrats writer and WGA official, who recently turned in a first draft of the children’s book Carl the Frog, told The Hollywood Reporter.

The UPI piece goes on to name two other upcoming kids’ books by writers for That’s So Raven and Comedy Central’s The Root of All Evil, but since all three books are being published by the same company “ Worthwhile Books, a new imprint of the ultra-corporate entertainment company IDT/IDW “ it’s maybe a bit misleading to imply that this is a widespread new trend.