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The mathematics of books

The Music Genome Project has been dissecting songs since 2000, reducing them to a set of basic characteristics, such as the gender of the singer, pitch, and tempo. The theory is that once you know these objective details about a song, you can find “ and presumably enjoy “ others that are just like it.

And now Booklamp is trying to do the same for books. Its software scans pages and calculates the density, pacing, and levels of action, dialogue, and description. You plug in a book you love, and it spits out other books that are just like it. You can also specify other desirable characteristics to fine-tune the recommendations.

Here are some of our requests:

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude, but with all of the characters living in my spare bedroom.
  • It, but without the clown. That clown was too scary.
  • A memoir, but true.


March 25th, 2008

12:08 pm

Category: Book news