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Pages gets new lease on life

Last fall, Q&Q Omni reported that after 30 years at its current Queen Street West location, Toronto’s Pages Books & Magazines  was slated to move “ or shut down “ when the store’s lease expires at the end of February. However, it seems that Pages proprietor Marc Glassman has come to an understanding with his landlord, Pinedale Properties, to keep the store open, at least for now. In a message sent out to members of the This Is Not A Reading Series Facebook group, TINARS co-ordinator Chris Reed wrote:

After spending anxious months dealing with an uncertain future, Pages Books & Magazines has just been given a six-month extension on its historic Queen Street location. We’re thrilled to be staying until at least the end of August, says [Pages proprietor] Marc Glassman….

The release continues:

Community support over the next few months will be critical for Pages’ survival. We’ll continue to work with Pinedale in hopes of securing a longer lease, says Glassman. Realistically, Pages will be looking for other locations as well. We look forward to forging partnerships, if possible, with like-minded enterprises and artist’s centres. We are heartened by the groundswell of community support for our predicament and look forward to continuing a dialogue about the role that Pages plays in the cultural life of Toronto. And we’ll certainly be talking to Councillor Vaughan about Pages’ relationship to the changing downtown environment.


January 14th, 2009

2:25 pm

Category: Book news

Tagged with: bookselling, TINARS