Sundry links from around the Web:
- The Los Angeles Times calls Judy Wearing’s Edison’s Concrete Piano: Flying Tanks, Six-Nippled Sheep, Walk-on-Water Shoes and 12 Other Flops from Great Inventors (published this month by ECW Press) the best book title of the year
- Former Giller contender Kim Echlin gives The New York Times a playlist to accompany The Disappeared
- Newfoundland author Chad Pelley launches Salty Ink, a website devoted to Atlantic Canadian writing
- The BBC is planning to adapt Martin Amis’s novel Money for TV, and the broadcaster has already decided on a male lead
- The Australian government has rejected a proposal that would have allowed parallel importation of foreign books, MobyLives reports
- Blogger Mark Bertils points to something on every designer and book lover’s Christmas wish list: a wall calendar that displays a different type face for every month