To start you off for the weekend ahead, here are some literary links for your perusal:
- What does Fox News’s fair and balanced Bill O’Reilly know about the assassination of Honest Abe Lincoln? Apparently he has been studying up, and will co-write a book on the former president’s murder
- Mixing or plagiarism? Debut author, 17, comes under fire for sampling work from other writers
- MobyLives quotes Michael Cader of Publisher’s Marketplace, who defends higher e-book prices: The implicit, false promise of cheap e-books was made by the people who profit, at very nice margins, from selling the devices, not from publishers.
- Happy Olympics Day! Get to know how Miga, Quatchi, and Sumi became the Olympic mascots with this collectible storybook
- And in other sports-related book news, it turns out some millionaire NBA athletes are book nerds after all