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iPad pricing to match that of Kindle … maybe

The Internet is a hive of rumour and innuendo, and nowhere is this more true than with anything having to do with Apple, a company that plays its cards notoriously close to the vest. Now the website AppAdvice is claiming to have received a “not-so-NDA-complying preview” of Apple’s iBookstore for its upcoming iPad device and, contrary to speculation, the site says that Apple will not be pricing its books at a higher price point than what is offered on Amazon’s Kindle Store.

From the AppAdvice post:

[A]t the moment, out of the 32 eBooks featured in the New York Time’s [sic] Bestsellers section, 27, including the entire top 10 are priced at $9.99.


As for the remaining five, the highest priced one, Poor Little Bitch Girl by Jackie Collins, goes for just $12.99.  Although it’s [sic] Kindle counterpart sells for $8.83, these prices are very bad news for Amazon as iBooks has matched the coveted $9.99 price point.

The author of the post insists that its legitimacy is not in doubt, insisting “this is not a rumor” and providing a screenshot of what appears to be the Apple e-books store as proof.

This Quillblogger will hang tight until something more official gets announced. In the meantime, let the rumour mill spin.


March 24th, 2010

3:57 pm

Category: Book news