Quill and Quire

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Writers’ Union of Canada sponsors book drive for Slave Lake Library

The Writers’ Union of Canada is sponsoring a drive to replace books for the Slave Lake Library, which was destroyed during the devastating northern Alberta forest fires. The library still needs new titles, published within the last two years.

Books can be shipped prepaid to:
Peace Library System
8301 “ 110 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8W 6T2

ATTN: Books for Slave Lake Library

Cash donations can be sent through the library’s website, or write a cheque payable to the Slave Lake Regional Library Board and send it via the Peace Library System to the address above.

This morning, Q&Q sent off 13 boxes of books. Thanks to all the publishers and to Canpar for providing the shipping, with help from Anne McClelland, executive director of the Book and Periodical Council.