Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose
Academy Award“winning actor Marion Cotillard will star in a French-language adaptation of Craig Davidson’s short story collection, Rust and Bone (Penguin Canada).
According to The Playlist, Rust and Bone will be directed by Jacques Audiard, who co-wrote the screenplay with Thomas Bidegain, his collaborator on A Prophet, which won the Grand Prix prize at the 2009 Cannes International Film Festival. At a budget of $22 million, Variety calls it one of the biggest films to come out of France this year. Shooting begins at the end of September.
Q&Q‘s 2005 review of Rust and Bone describes each story as “based around either a macho sport or a wacky job. Boxing, basketball, dog fighting, stage magic, and, yes, porn all inspire treatment in the collection.”
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