*D&M Publishers has announced company co-founder Scott McIntyre will step down as CEO.
Effective July 1, McIntyre will relinquish from his role as CEO, though he will continue as chairman of D&M Publishers and director of both D&M and BookRiff Media. According to a press statement circulated by D&M on Monday morning, McIntyre “will continue to lead government relations for D&M, and will undertake a full strategic review of the company’s art book programs, with the intent of strengthening D&M’s dominant position in the genre and taking the program fully international.”
*The announcement comes as one of a series of changes at D&M’s executive level, the rest of which take place effective immediately.
Rob Sanders has been named senior vice-president, new business development, international, and publisher-at-large. The title change reflects an expanded focus on “pursuing high-level corporate opportunities” and broadening “the company’s international activities, including U.S. distribution.” He will also continue as publisher of D&M’s New Society Publishers imprint.
*Jesse Finkelstein, director, publishing services and operations, becomes chief operating officer, responsible for day-to-day operations. Finkelstein, who joined the company in 2009, will continue to manage the company’s digital initiatives.
Trena White, associate publisher of the Douglas & McIntyre imprint since 2011, will become publisher at D&M, in charge of running both the Douglas & McIntyre and Greystone programs. White joined D&M as acquiring editor of non-fiction in 2010 after six years with McClelland & Stewart.
Nancy Flight, associate publisher of Greystone Books, will add associate publisher for Douglas & McIntyre to her duties, while continuing her editorial responsibilities with key authors.
In the statement, McIntyre says: Book publishing everywhere in the world is going through profound and revolutionary change. Such change requires a radically different approach to what we all do. I am absolutely confident we have the right people, and the right energy, to take on the challenge and embrace this very bold and decisive step into the future. He also noted that one of the trickiest challenges any company faces is getting succession right, and I am very proud of the path we are embarking upon.
Watch Q&Q Omni for a follow-up to this story.
*Clarification March 5: An earlier version of this post suggested Scott McIntyre had resigned from D&M Publishers.
*Update March 5: information concerning the starting date of executive staff changes was added to the post.
*Correction March 5: An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated that Jesse Finkelstein previously worked as associate publisher at D&M in 2009.