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Wab Kinew lands two-book deal with Penguin Canada

Penguin Canada has acquired two titles by Wab Kinew, the Aboriginal musician, director of indigenous inclusion at the University of Winnipeg, and Adrienne Clarkson RTDNA Award–winning journalist who also successfully defended Joseph Boyden’s The Orenda on Canada Reads this year.

The first book, due out in fall 2015, is a memoir “about family reconciliation and spiritual rebirth,” according to a statement from Penguin Canada. An illustrated children’s title will follow.

Penguin Canada president and publisher Nicole Winstanley, who acquired the books, says it was Kinew’s Canada Reads appearance that first caught her attention. “I was moved and inspired alongside many Canadians. Wab’s powerful voice should be heard by all, and this memoir offers unique insight into how he came to find it,” she says.

“I’ve been lucky to travel the country and see political and economic reconciliation in action,” says Kinew in the statement. “However, I was also given the gift of helping my late father, who experienced the worst of the residential school era, on his very powerful journey to foster spiritual reconciliation. Through sharing our story, I believe we can contribute to the conversations happening between Canadians and Indigenous people – but also to share some lessons on what it means to be a good human being.”