Every fall, independent booksellers and publishers work together to promote a range of new titles published in Canada and internationally. Books for Everybody is a hand-picked selection of books for all interests, including young readers. Here are some highlights from the catalogues that provide great last-minute ideas for gifts and stocking stuffers.

The Beatles Lyrics: The Stories Behind the Music, Including the Handwritten Drafts of More Than 100 Classic Beatles Songs
Hunter Davies, ed.
(Little, Brown/Hachette)
The definitive book of Beatles songs, written by their own hands and put into authoritative context, for the 50th anniversary of the Beatles coming to America.
$39.00 cl, colour photos, 384 pp. 978-0-316-24716-0

Coming Ashore
Catherine Gildiner
(ECW Press)
“Part travelogue, part book of secrets, this book captures an era of unrest with honesty, humour and enticing detail. Grab your backpack, don your tie-dye
and see the world through Cathy’s eyes. You’re in for an amazing ride.” — Ami McKay, author of The Virgin Cure.
$27.95 cl, b&w photos, 396 pp. 978-1-77041-225-5

Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words
Malka Marom
(ECW Press)
A lush, full-colour exploration of Joni Mitchell’s career and art, featuring revealing and insightful conversations over several decades between Mitchell and her friend Marom.
$32.95 cl, colour photos & illus. 292 pp. 978-1-77041-132-6

Norval Morrisseau: Man Changing into Thunderbird
Armand Garnet Ruffo
(Douglas & McIntyre)
Author Armand Garnet Ruffo draws on research, interviews and his own Ojibway heritage to examine the controversial life of one of Canada’s most innovative artists.
$32.95 cl, b&w photos, 320 pp. 978-1-77162-046-8

Where I Belong: Small Town to Great Big Sea
Alan Doyle
(Doubleday Canada)
From the lead singer of the band Great Big Sea comes a lyrical and captivating memoir about growing up in the tiny fishing village of Petty Harbour, Newfoundland. Filled with the lore and traditions of the East Coast and told in a voice that is captivating and refreshingly candid.
$32.95 cl, 336 pp. 978-0-385-68036-3
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