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Event photos: Jailbreaks Toronto launch

Jailbreaks: 99 Canadian Sonnets (Biblioasis), an anthology put together by poet and Q&Q contributor Zachariah Wells, had its Toronto launch on June 11 at the I.V. Lounge. Readers at the launch included Al Moritz, Shane Neilson, Pino Coluccio, Q&Q‘s own Meaghan Strimas, and Wells himself.

Biblioasis publisher Dan Wells (no relation to Zach) brings the books and a smile.

Poet Richard Sanger (middle) argues a point with Zach Wells (right, in cap), while Al Moritz rests up (left).

Sonnet fans.

The merch table is ready for action.


June 18th, 2008

2:22 pm

Category: Events

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