The Dooney’s Café website has posted two selections from a recent Festschrift (or collection of tribute essays) put together for George Bowering. Jamie Reid contributes a poetic meditation about Bowering’s well-known love for baseball, while Stan Persky reminisces about publishing an early Bowering chapbook. Persky writes: “Most of the poetry books I published were on sheets of 8 x 11 ordinary paper and just stapled together, pamphlet-like. But with Autobiology, I decided it should be more like a ‘real book,’ so we printed the mimeographed pages on 5 x 8, thick, stiff paper, and sent it off to the bindery to be bound with a glossy cover that had a black and white photograph on the front of Bowering as a three year old sitting with his mother.”
Related links:
Click here for the Bowering pieces on Dooney’s Café