Quill and Quire

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Take Q&Q’s salary survey

Welcome to Quill & Quire‘s 2013 survey of the publishing workplace. It has been five years since our last survey, and our goal is to provide a useful, up-to-date statistical snapshot of working life in the Canadian publishing industry.

The survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, examines work experience, educational background, job satisfaction, salaries, and benefits. If you are employed by a publishing company, book distributor or wholesaler, sales agency or publishing-technology firm in Canada, please take a few minutes to complete the questions. It is completely anonymous, and all completed surveys will be treated in the strictest confidence. (Please note that this survey does not apply to the retail sector.)

The survey will be online until Friday, May 31 at noon. The results will appear in the September issue of Q&Q.


April 29th, 2013

12:13 pm

Category: Industry news

Tagged with: salary survey