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Quillcast episode 11: Mike Shatzkin and publishing into the flood

Quillcast is a podcast series from Quill & Quire featuring behind-the-scenes conversations with authors and publishing insiders.

In this episode, U.S. publishing consultant Mike Shatzkin takes stock of the industry’s current environment.

Shatzkin is founder and CEO of the Idea Logical Company and author of the ebook The Shatzkin Files. He delivered this talk, “Publishing into the Flood,” at Book Summit, presented in partnership by Humber College and the Book and Periodical Council, and held at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre on June 21.

Quillcast is produced with media partners The Walrus, Open Book: Ontario, and Open Book: Toronto, with support from Toronto Life. This project has been generously supported by the Ontario Media Development Corporation’s Entertainment and Creative Cluster Partnerships Fund.


July 12th, 2012

1:42 pm

Category: Quillcast

Tagged with: Book Summit, Mike Shatzkin, Quillcast