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Beneath the Bridge

by Hazel Hutchins, Ruth Ohi, illus.

In a forest glen, a young boy launches a small paper boat, then watches with excitement and worry as it makes its river journey out into the world, in Hazel Hutchins’ new picture book Beneath the Bridge. Hutchins, who has written 25 books for children, brings her trademark warmth, playful humour, and gentle spirit to this story of a child torn between his fear of leaving the haven of the known world and his fascination with the hustle and bustle of the wonderland beyond. The boat functions as a metaphor for the adventurous journey the boy himself will take one day.

Hutchins’ melodic rhyming text is as soothing as a lullaby. The repetitive refrain, which builds as the boat travels along, includes questions that invite child and parent to participate in the adventure, and to see and celebrate life in all its forms. The answers to the questions are found in Ruth Ohi’s watercolour illustrations. The longtime collaboration between Hutchins and Ohi is a true creative partnership. Ohi’s illustrations are an essential story component, as essential to its realization as a melody is to a song lyric, conjuring up the scenes hinted at by the spare text. Ohi’s visually lush, quirkily detailed illustrations begin in the pastoral countryside, gradually picking up colour and energy as the boat nears the city port. By frequently shifting viewpoint, Ohi evokes intimacy and perspective, creating a sense of movement and momentum. Guided by Hutchins’ encouraging questions and reassuring text, children will delight in the wonderful world captured by Ohi’s feast-for-the-eyes illustrations. No doubt they will take many a repeat voyage through this charming book.


Reviewer: Sherie Posesorski

Publisher: Annick Press


Price: $19.95

Page Count: 24 pp

Format: Cloth

ISBN: 1-55037-859-7

Released: Sept.

Issue Date: 2004-9

Categories: Picture Books

Age Range: 2-5