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Little Dog Moon

by Maxine Trottier, Laura Fernandez and Rick Jacobson, illus.

In her many books, the award-winning-Maxine Trottier has been drawn toward subjects of social and historical substance. At her best, there’s an imaginative and integral synergy between her storyline and educational intent. In her latest, however, the storyline, rather than being enriched by its historical background, is muddled by it. As a result, children may find elements of the story bewildering instead of engaging.

The setting is a Tibetan monastery near the Himalayas, where Moon, a loyal, adventurous terrier, is very attached to Tenzin, a young monk. One evening a young sister and brother trying “to cross to the freedom that waited in Nepal” arrive at the monastery, hungry, cold, and worn out by their dangerous journey. Since Moon knows the mountain paths better than the other dogs, Tenzin suggests that the children let Moon lead them to safety along the paths, avoiding the border guards on the roads. When Moon returns with the children’s good luck prayer flag tied around her, Tenzin rejoices, knowing the children made it safely to Nepal.

Throughout, the gorgeous, richly textured and coloured paintings by Laura Fernandez and Rick Jacobson dramatically contrast the golden-lit sanctuary of the monastery with the threatening icy white snow and looming black mountains outside.

A map and note providing essential background information would have been helpful. By stating but not explaining why the children need to flee without their mother, Trottier aims to emphasize the tragic timelessness of their flight. The problem is that the children are fleeing because of specific political circumstances. To not root the story is to rob it of its historical significance and meaning, giving neither readers nor the story their due.


Reviewer: Sherie Posesorski

Publisher: Stoddart Kids


Price: $19.95

Page Count: 24 pp

Format: Cloth

ISBN: 0-7737-3220-9

Released: Apr.

Issue Date: 2000-3

Categories: Picture Books

Age Range: ages 5–8