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Share the Sky

by Ting-xing Ye, Suzane Langlois, illus.

Kites soar and dip in this lovely picture book by Orillia, Ontario author Ting-xing Ye and Montreal artist Suzane Langlois. Lilting text and luminous watercolours tell the story of Fei-fei, a young girl who lives in China with her grandparents, yet yearns for her parents far away in North America. The flight of a kite is the perfect symbol for Fei-fei’s hopes and dreams. Kites floating skyward seem to echo her desire to join her mother and father, yet the kite strings symbolize her close ties to her grandparents and the small Chinese village.

It is rare to see a picture book that expresses the heart-tugging journey of a young immigrant so clearly, as Fei-fei flies, first in a dream sequence then in a plane, from one world to another. Snippets of gentle humour also flash through the text, as her uncle tells of foreigners who “speak a strange language, talking so fast that only rabbits can catch up with the words that tumble out of their mouths.”

The design of the book is striking, as Suzane Langlois uses blocks of colour to subtly reinforce Fei-fei’s moods. As her father joyously holds her aloft at the airport, the accompanying text is backed by a soft golden wash. A similar mood is supported by gold when Fei-fei instructs her father to “tell Grandpa that we both are under the same sky.”

This excellent book is an example of a strong partnership between author and illustrator.


Reviewer: Kathleen Bailey

Publisher: Annick Press


Price: $7.95

Page Count: 32 pp

Format: Paper

ISBN: 1-55037-578-4

Released: Sept.

Issue Date: 1999-11

Categories: Picture Books

Age Range: ages 4–8

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