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The Canadian Dog Owner’s Companion: A Guide to Selecting, Caring for and Training Your New Dog or Puppy

by Donna Davidson,Penny Manning

In this concise introductory guide, Donna Davidson and Penny Manning (both dog trainers and writers) cover the latest techniques and resources (including web sites) for owners of new dogs. The result is an excellent overview of dog-rearing, from choosing and feeding to grooming and training: a Dr.-Spock-for-dogs approach.

Both puppies and “previously owned” dogs are included, and the authors go into some detail about matching dogs and households, and testing temperament before taking Fido home. A number of worksheets and checklists are included to simplify the decision-making process.

The training chapters are ideal: easy-to-follow directions stress consistency without the lengthy, rambling examples offered by many dog-training books. Information on Canadian breeds (there are only four), groups, regulations, and resources makes the book especially relevant. And the authors’ summary of the Alberta- developed Tellington TTouch, a new technique that uses a gentle, clockwise rub to calm dogs, is extremely valuable. It settled down one fretful puppy I tested it on in under a minute, saving both our nerves. And that is what the authors stress most in this book: ways for dogs and humans to live in harmony.


Reviewer: Kathleen Hickey

Publisher: Macmillan


Price: $24.95

Page Count: 242 pp

Format: Paper

ISBN: 0-7715-7403-7

Released: Mar.

Issue Date: 1997-4

Categories: Reference