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The Martial Arts Book

by Laura Scandiffio, Nicolas Debon, illus.

Children keen to try out martial arts will quickly learn that there’s more to karate than the stunts seen in action movies. The Martial Arts Book highlights the historical beginnings of martial arts, emphasizing the philosophical side of these sports. Thought-provoking quotations from martial arts masters stress the connection between mind and body: when the mind is disciplined and strong, the body is capable of achieving amazing feats. The philosophies of Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are featured to portray the spiritual side of martial arts.

First-time Toronto author Laura Scandiffio shows how meditation helps martial artists focus their energy and eliminate distractions. After establishing the spiritual and historical roots, the author rounds out the material covered with excellent descriptions of kung fu, tai chi, karate, tae kwon do, kendo, judo, and aikido. Informative sidebars offer true stories from history and help maintain high levels of reader enthusiasm. It’s fascinating to learn how martial arts spread to North America after the Second World War and the Korean War.

Toronto illustrator Nicolas Debon creates vivid images – warriors’ powerful stances, temple architecture, a Chinese opera singer’s costume – with interesting details that project a strong flavour of the East. Brown and beige tones dominate the palette and lend a historical feel to the book. The illustrations, coupled with an appropriate typeface for headings and varied page layouts, result in a very effective design. This well-organized, informative book will be a winner for children attracted to studying a martial art, but equally interesting for admirers of Eastern culture and history enthusiasts. It’s a must-have for school and public libraries.


Reviewer: Jill Bryant

Publisher: Annick Press


Price: $12.95

Page Count: 64 pp

Format: Paper

ISBN: 1-55037-776-0

Issue Date: 2003-2


Age Range: ages 8+