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What Your Doctor Really Thinks

by Ian Blumer

A lively mixture of case histories, practical information, personal anecdotes, and trivia, Ian Blumer’s first book is ideal reading for doctor wannabes. The Ontario internist uses chatty medical lingo sophisticated enough to make patients feel informed and important (lymph gland enlargement is known as “lymphadenopathy,” “pyelonephritis” is a kidney infection), but simple enough to be understood. Did you know that waterbeds can cause night sweats, and antibiotics can prolong salmonella infections? These are the kind of medical tidbits that can be told on blind dates, at Christmas parties, and in other social situations where a little bit of knowledge goes a long way.

Blumer makes it clear that readers seeking specific medical advice pertaining to their own care should see their own physician. But it’s safe to say that after reading What Your Doctor Really Thinks, patients are bound to bring a new perspective to the examining room. Blumer spills plenty of insider secrets, some you may wish he’d kept secret. For example: the reason your doctor prescribed that new antibiotic has less to do with efficacy than with a million-dollar ad campaign and the gifts he received from the drug company rep; if you’re overweight and complain about pain in your knee joints, your doctor will likely prescribe a diet instead of a drug; if you show up in the emergency room with a really embarrassing problem such as a pickle jar stuck in your rectum, your doctor will joke about it with his colleagues when you’re out of earshot.

Blumer also offers his take on why your doctor is always late for your appointment, and how surgeons and internists really feel about each other. It’s interesting, and some of it is probably true. But the real function of Blumer’s riffs is entertainment – which makes for a useful counterpoint to what is ultimately a useful, and entertaining, addition to any home library.


Reviewer: Debby Waldman

Publisher: Dundurn Press


Price: $16.99

Page Count: 168 pp

Format: Paper

ISBN: 0-88882-215-4

Released: Dec.

Issue Date: 2000-1

Categories: Science, Technology & Environment
