B.C. minister of Community, Sport, and Cultural development Peter Fassbender presenting Sullivan with her award on behalf of the B.C. Achievement Foundation.
Rosemary Sullivan has received yet another accolade for her 2015 biography, Stalin’s Daughter: The Extraordinary and Tumultuous Life of Sveltana Alliluyeva (HarperCollins Canada). The Quebec-born author was presented with this year’s British Columbia National Award for Canadian Non-fiction at a ceremony in Vancouver on Feb. 4.
Sullivan took home a $40,000 prize, while finalists John Ibbitson (Stephen Harper), Emily Urquhart (Beyond the Pale: Folklore, Family, and the Mystery of Our Hidden Genes), and Sheila Watt-Cloutier (The Right to be Cold: One Woman’s Story of Protecting her Culture, the Arctic, and the Whole Planet) each received $5,000.