Quill and Quire



Maps, memoirs, and Canadiana dominate fall non-fiction lists

By: Scott MacDonald

September 11th, 2006

4:07 pm

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Issue Date:2006-1

Rearview mirror

Now more than ever, Canadian novelists look to the past

By: Melanie Mah

September 11th, 2006

2:32 pm

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Issue Date:2006-1

The fall of fiction

International bookshelves are bursting with name novelists

By: Melanie Mah

September 11th, 2006

2:28 pm

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Issue Date:2006-3

Thinking globally

The state of the planet a common concern in international lists

By: Alison Dyer

March 13th, 2006

11:52 am

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Issue Date:2005-8

Familiar faces

It’s series titles and sequels galore in spring kids’ lists

By: Charles Mandel

March 13th, 2006

11:51 am

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Issue Date:2005-8