Dear Agony Editor,
Recently, a new friend invited me to her place for dinner. I was horrified to see she placed her books page-side out. When I asked why, she said she “liked the aesthetic of it,” and that she hasn’t read the books, anyway. As a writer, I was horrified. Have books become merely decor? Does anyone read anymore? What is going on in this world?
Spine Side Out
Dear Spine Side Out,
Books can inspire us, challenge us, open up new worlds, and create empathy. They can also serve as a platform for picture frames. Or, in the case of yours truly, books can provide a convenient riser for your laptop. (Please don’t tell the people at Roget’s Thesaurus or the ghost of James Joyce that I’m making use of their labours in this way.)
The point I’m trying to make is that books are many things to many people. And, while books are ideally read instead of being strategically placed on a bookshelf in the name of interior design, neither you nor anyone else can have any control over that. Sometimes a book is a revelation. And sometimes it’s just somewhere to place your aloe vera plant.
Coming to terms with how others value, or don’t value, books is simply the agony and ecstasy of being a writer. Can we be frank here? Has every book in your home been read? Chances are, there might be one or two that are serving some other purpose. In terms of your new friend, I wouldn’t be too hard on her. At least she’s buying books! Whether or not the books are read is a whole other matter. Writers must deal with all sorts of slights against their craft, whether intended or not. No one knows the amount of work that goes into your writing besides you. And to see that work ignored, or used as a prop, is no doubt disheartening.
But try not to let people’s decor choices affect you on a personal level. It’s not always about your work. Sometimes, it’s about needing a coffee coaster. The more accepting you are of this, and the more humour you can see in it, the less horrified you’re likely to be in this world.