Blue Heron Books (courtesy blueheronbooks.com)
On April 27, book enthusiasts across Canada will celebrate Canadian Independent Bookstore Day. Spearheaded by the Retail Council of Canada, the day draws attention to the community-building role of independent bookstores. This is s selection of what participating booksellers have in store.
Blue Heron Books
62 Brock St. W., Uxbridge, Ontario
Blue Heron has a full day of programming for the whole family, kicking off at 10 a.m. with a Lorax-themed party for kids ages two through six. A live music showcase takes over the shop from 11 a.m. through 2:20 p.m. Order of Canada actor Ken Welsh arrives at 2:30 to recite Shakespeare selections about music and poetry in honour of Shakespeare’s 455th birthday, with complimentary cake. Welsh will stick around for a reprisal of the Lorax, this time for the six-and-up set.
Cafe Books
#100 – 826 Main Street, Canmore, Alberta
It’s a double author appearance at Café Books. The store will host signings by Jeremy Kroeker, editor of the motorcycle travel anthology Motorcycle Messengers 2: Tales From The Road (Oscillator Press), and Therese Greenwood, author of What You Take With You: Wildfire, Family and the Road Home (University of Alberta Press), between 12 and 4 p.m.
Queen Books
914 Queen St. E., Toronto
No need to nab Avengers tickets – Queen Books is presenting the ultimate team-up with an all-female (plus Naben Ruthnum) slate of 12 authors including Claudia Dey, Anne T. Donahue, and Vikki VanSickle, appearing as guest booksellers at a sidewalk sale that will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.
1520 Wyandotte St E., Windsor, Ontario
Following the success of Jorge Carrión’s Independent Bookstore Day exclusive chapbook Against Amazon, a critical essay about how the popular shopping portal has been bad for the book industry, Biblioasis is publishing British author Lucy Ellman’s I Dated Graham Greene, which publisher Dan Wells calls “a tongue-in-cheek exploration of bookstores” (the titular Canadian actor’s connection to the work is left for curious readers to discover – Wells says only that Greene is “intimately” connected).
Volume One Bookstore
149 Kenneth Street, Duncan, B.C.
Author Teresa Schapansky will sign copies of her non-fiction book Memoirs of a Pakhtun Immigrant and children’s fantasy novels Dager of the Tasman Empire and Imogene of the Pacific Kingdom from 11 a.m. through 12 p.m.