Finalists in 25 categories were announced for the 2023 Lambda Literary Awards, and a number of Canadian authors, including Danny Ramadan, John Brady McDonald, and Angeline Jackson, were among those shortlisted. The winners will be announced in New York City on June 9.
Books by Canadian nominees are listed by category.
Gay Fiction:
• The Foghorn Echoes by Danny Ramadan (Viking/PRHC)
LGBTQ+ Young Adult:
• Funny Gyal: My Fight Against Homophobia in Jamaica by Angeline Jackson with Susan McClelland, foreword by Diana King (Dundurn Press)
• The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson (Heartdrum/HarperCollins)
LGBTQ+ Middle Grade:
• Hazel Hill Is Gonna Win This One by Maggie Horne (Clarion Books/HarperCollins)
Bisexual Nonfiction:
• Carrying It Forward: Essays from Kistahpinanihk by John Brady McDonald (Wolsak and Wynn Publishers)
Lesbian Poetry:
• Beast at Every Threshold by Natalie Wee (Arsenal Pulp Press)
Transgender Poetry:
• Emanations by Prathna Lor (Wolsak and Wynn Publishers)
LGBTQ+ Drama:
• Duecentomila by kai fig taddei (Playwrights Canada Press)
• Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land) & Antigone: 方 by Ho Ka Kei (Jeff Ho), (Playwrights Canada Press)
LGBTQ+ Romance and Erotica:
• The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett (Carina Adores)
March 16, 2023: This article has been corrected to include LGBTQ+ drama nominee Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land) & Antigone: 方 by Ho Ka Kei (Jeff Ho), published by Playwrights Canada Press.